Congress Rules

Submission and Writing Guidelines

Submit the complete article as a Microsoft Word document in .doc format, named with the abstract number and author's name.

  • All submissions must be in English or Turkish.
  • Please ensure your text is grammatically correct.
  • Should your article require revision after referee review, we will return it with comments, and you must submit the revised version within seven days.
  • List author names under the title, and include details such as their affiliation, institution, and email address as a footnote. The title of the full article should be in all capital letters, bold, and size 14 font.
  • Use Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.15 line spacing for the article.
  • Capitalize each word in subheadings (except Abstract, Summary, Introduction, Conclusion, and References), with the rest in lowercase. Subheadings may be numbered or lettered as needed.
  • Authors are responsible for all spelling errors and content in their articles.
  • Articles must not have been previously published or presented at another conference, symposium, or scientific organization. The responsibility lies with the author. Articles should adhere to the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style.

Review Process

  • Article Review Process All articles will undergo a double-blind peer review.
  • The corresponding author must ensure approval for publication from all co-authors. The publisher cannot be held legally responsible for any claims for compensation.


  • If your abstract is accepted for the conference, submit your full article before the specified deadline.
  • Final articles must be uploaded through the system. Submission of an article implies that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.